Sermons on 1 Corinthians
What Is Common?
Ther are things we know that are common sense
Teamwork – A Team That Works
Jesus Christ has designed His church that it requires teamwork
A Change Is Coming
A change is coming to our mortal bodies
Jesus, The Lamb Of God
Can you grasp how much God Loves you?
He’s Alive and I’m Forgiven!
People are trying to find an answer, and they are looking in the wrong place
Is One Man’s Junk Your Treasure?
Do you consider the Cross of Calvary a trinket or a treasure?
The One Word Answer For The Whole World’s Needs
What the world needs right now is Jesus!
A Life Transforming Moment
Know who you are, and Whose you are… 1 Corinthians 15:1-58 The Resurrection should motivate us to share the Gospel!