The Steps Of The Savior
He was mocked but took the step forward
Because He Lives
There are several things that Jesus can do in your life
The Rest of the Story
God had a purpose in the cross
Jesus, The Lamb Of God
Can you grasp how much God Loves you?
A Donkey, Tree Branches, Singing, and Rejoicing
We should welcome Jesus as the crowds did
He’s Alive and I’m Forgiven!
People are trying to find an answer, and they are looking in the wrong place
What Now?
Easter is over – what now? Where do we go from here? It’s easy to be fired up on Easter morning, but then what? Do we just go back to our normal lives – back to the daily grind? Do we act any different knowing HE’s ALIVE? Luke 24:13-35
A Life Transforming Moment
Know who you are, and Whose you are… 1 Corinthians 15:1-58 The Resurrection should motivate us to share the Gospel!